At Shree Om Electroplaters, we are dedicated to providing our clients with electroplating services of the highest quality. Our commitment to quality assurance is integral to every aspect of our operations, ensuring that we consistently meet and exceed customer expectations. Here is an overview of our quality assurance practices:

Skilled and Experienced Team: Our team consists of highly skilled technicians and professionals who possess extensive experience in the field of electroplating. They undergo regular training and stay updated with the latest industry standards and best practices.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: We have invested in modern and well-equipped facilities to ensure the highest level of precision and efficiency in our electroplating processes. Our facilities are designed to meet industry standards and provide optimal conditions for achieving superior plating results.

Strict Process Control: We follow a strict process control methodology to maintain consistency and reliability in our electroplating operations. Each step of the process, from surface preparation to plating thickness, is carefully monitored and controlled to achieve the desired outcomes.

Quality Control Measures: We have established comprehensive quality control measures to verify the quality and integrity of our electroplating results. This includes rigorous inspections, testing, and analysis of samples at various stages of the plating process, ensuring that the final product meets or exceeds the specified requirements.

Compliance with Industry Standards: As a responsible electroplating company, we adhere to industry standards and regulations to ensure the safety, reliability, and environmental sustainability of our processes. We closely monitor and comply with relevant regulations, such as waste management, chemical handling, and disposal guidelines.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our processes, technologies, and quality management systems. Through regular evaluations, data analysis, and customer feedback, we identify areas for enhancement and implement necessary changes to deliver even better results to our clients.

Customer Satisfaction: Our ultimate goal is customer satisfaction. We work closely with our clients, understanding their specific requirements and providing personalized solutions to meet their unique needs. We strive to exceed their expectations by delivering high-quality electroplating services on time and within budget.

By adhering to these quality assurance practices, we ensure that every electroplated product leaving our facility meets the highest standards of performance, durability, and aesthetics. Our dedication to quality sets us apart as a trusted partner for businesses across various industries.

Contact us today to learn more about our quality assurance practices and how we can fulfill your electroplating needs with uncompromising quality.


Experience the difference of working with a leading electroplating company.

Contact Shree Om Electroplaters today to discuss your electroplating needs and discover how our high-quality finishes, comprehensive solutions, and industry expertise can elevate your products and components to new heights.

Reach out to our knowledgeable team for inquiries, quotes, or further information. We’re here to assist you.

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